Voluntary opportunities


Our association is a development organisation and is mainly focused on issues such as globalisation, poverty, racism, different cultures and their lifestyles. Basic on the positive experiences of recent years in working with volunteers, we are interested in maintaining Eine Welt both as the sending as well as hosting organization. Working with volunteers enriches our cooperation, while both sides are given the opportunity of learning from each other. We have been hosting volunteers for almost 15 years already.

The volunteers, during their service at our organization, are participaiting in the following activities:
A) Youth Education
– work in schools together with our advisor for educational activities
– formulating their own educational curricular
– assistance in the Library
B) Shop ‘Weltladen’
– customer service
– accounting
– participation in the meeting of Products Group
C) Cross-cultural events
– preparation and implementation of events (lectures, concerts, etc.)
– public relations (preparation of flyers and posters)
D) Project Work
– coordination of projects in Central and Eastern Europe
– contact with project partners
– preparation and implementation of international meetings and camps
– elaborating of educational contents
– project accounting
E) Office and administrative work
– translations
– reporting
– cleaning.

Self-organized project work:
– evelopment of educational contents
– preparation and participation in summer camps in Samara and Leipzig Intl
– design inter-cultural events (country evenings, lectures and concerts with Eastern Europeans, theatre events).

What is basically required from our volunteers are: interest in the global issues, posessing of social skills, international experiences. Good German knowledge would be an asset.


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