Networking and Campaigning of “Eine Welt e.V. Leipzig”

In order to achieve or push towards a fair and responsible world, we are also collaborating and campaigning with other important stakeholders:

We actively engage with the “Fairtradetown-Leipzig” steering committee.
The Saxon Development Policy Network coordinates the activities of Saxon “One World Groups” and critically accompanies the development policy of the Saxon state.
The Leipzig Debt Relief Group deals with the issues of “debt” and “democratic control of international financial flows”
With a strong focus on youth orientation, we are members of the SJR, a platform and contact point for clubs and associations that do child and youth work in Leipzig.
As active members of the cooperative FAIRE Warenhandel e.G, we buy the majority of our products for the store directly from their warehouses.
Due to our strong youth orientation, we are part of AGJF: an umbrella and specialised organisation in the youth work of Saxony.
For quality assurance in the field of voluntary services, we have been a member of the Service for Peace Action Group since 2012
Quifd is an agency for quality assurance in volunteer services. Since 2015, we have been certified because of our proven quality in the organization and implementation of volunteer services.
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