The association
«Eine Welt e.V. Leipzig»
We are a registered non-profit association and independent body responsible for youth work.
Our concerns:
- Development education. to raise awareness of the worldwide undesirable development, caused by the current international financial, economical and trading structures.
- Running of three World Shops as a means of showing alternatives to unfair trade structures and support for developing countries.
- Supporting tolerance and understanding towards other cultures through multicultural events and international cooperation during e.g. workcamps.
- In our youth work we offer a varied and at the same time meaningful leisure programme with educational, meeting, information, experience and participation opportunities. Prevention against racism, practical experience of democratic participation, suggestions for responsible living and the influence of young people on social developments are essential guiding ideas.
- Practising solidarity through a concrete projects of development cooperation in Russia, India, Italy and Ukraine.
- Political participation at national and local level, in support of our goals. This includes, for example, participation in the Leipzig SDGs 2030, in the world shop network, the Saxon development policy network or the Leipzig handelt Fair Network.
Voluntary work:
Without the participation of volunteers, the activities of the Eine Welt e.V. Leipzig would be completely unthinkable. Our association startet up as a pure volunteer project and even now lots of tasks are undertaken by volunteers. Volunteers always give new impulses to the association’s development. They should not only carry out a job but also bring in new ideas and influence decisions. In order to keep the permanent business in our two Third Word Shops going, we are always in need of helping hands. From our side, we take the responsibility of giving information of our work to the new volunteers. For instance, we make an effort to organize regular seminars about products and projects. In addition, participation of volunteers in our working groups is highly appreciated. Finally getting involved in useful activities can be fun. There is the opportunity of meeting a lot of nice people, do something meaningful and to learn something besides.
If you are interested in getting involved in work at our association do not hesitate to contact us!
Tel.: 0341 30 10 143
Structure of the association:
The three members of the managing committee are elected yearly at the AGM by all members. Full time staff can not stand for a post at the committee.
- Martina Glass
- Jörg Werler
- Maria Tuzani
- Juliane Markov
- Iryna Korovetska
The managing committee with the full-time staff are all together responsible for organizational decisions. Far-reaching decisions are made in agreement with the regular association meeting if possible. There are working groups having partial responsibility for their own fields.