Volunteering with us
If you are a young person between the ages of eighteen and thirty,
you can take part in an international volunteer programme with us
and have the chance to spend 12 exciting months in our team here in Leipzig!
We offer opportunities to young peiole to join us as internatonal volunteers in the framework of the European Solidarity Corps EU-programme or weltwärts South-North voluntary service, a programme funded by the Federal German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
If you have a huge interest is faire trade, you would like to support us in our shops, accompany our educational work and dont mind from time to time doing some office work or even riding a bike, send us an application to delia@einewelt-leipzig.de.

The areas of commitment for volunteers are:
A) Youth Education
- working in the schools together with our educational staff
- creative work in refugee centers
B) One Word Shop
- customer service
- accounting
- participation in the meeting of Products Group
C) Cross-cultural events
- preparation and implementation of events (lectures, concerts, etc.)
- public relations, Social Media etc.
E) Office and administrative work
- translations
- reporting
- cleaning
F) Self-organized project work:
- evelopment of educational contents
- preparation and participation in summer camps
- design inter-cultural events (country evenings, lectures and concerts, theatre events).
What you get besides the amazing 12 months:
- 400 € pocket money
- working in a creative international team
- free accommodation in an international shared house
- insurance
- reimbursment of travelling expenses
- support with applaying for a visa
- travel costs for local journeys / bike
- 24 days vacation
- 25 seminar days
We are looking for:
- young europeans between 18 and 30 years for European Solidarity Corps programme
- Indians between 18 and 28 years for weltwärts South-North voluntary service
both must be highly motivated to learn new tasks and be part of the association and have German language skills (level A2–B1) and/or a good knowledge of English.
The costs for the weltärts voluntary service – including flight, boarding and lodging, visa, pocket money, accompanying seminars and social security in Germany – are financed up to 75% by the Ministry. 25% are bore by our Organisation.
Through our services global learning is to be enabled and engagement is to be promoted – in line with the Sustainable Development Goal No. 17 „Partnerships to Achieve the Goals“ formulated in the Agenda 2030.
Our Values:
- The volunteer service of Eine Welt e.V. is based on the values of non-violence, the respect for human dignity and a deep sense of solidarity and unity in the world. We want to live our daily lives committed to these values and we want to implement them professionally in our programmes.
- Our organisation cooperates also with partners in the global South and the global North. National and international volunteers work together in joint programs.
- Our association is a development organisation and is mainly focused on issues such as globalisation, poverty, racism, different cultures and their lifestyles. Working with volunteers enriches our cooperation, while both sides are given the opportunity of learning from each other. We have been hosting volunteers for almost 25 years already.