Youth work


Regular offers for young people:

  • Once a year we organise a weekend seminar for young people. The program consists of a practical and a thematical workshop, a role play, a world-quiz, games and self-catering.
  • Once a year, we also invite you to a weekend excursion.
  • Usually we look for an accomodation which is ecologically compatible. Near the campfire we can dream, discuss and play music.
  • We organise game- and experience-oriented educational events in other arrangements of the town (Halle 5, Haus Steinstraße, Catholic and Protestant student communities)
  • Every Thursday at 7 p.m. there is a drum-course for beginners with the guidance of Antonio Manuel from Mosambic in the World Shop in Connewitz.


The "children group"


In our work the subject of discussion is the unsatisfactory living conditions, under which people must live in many countries. Whether it is a famine or the permanent poverty of the family, often children are the ones who suffer from these conditions. Their chances for a normal future are barred if their families cannot pay the tuition fees for schools, or if they are forced to work at very young ages. The policy of the rich countries has an influence on that. In Germany, not all the children have the same living standard, either. Therefore our "children group" deals with children’s rights and specific with the children’s situation in an asylum-seekers’ hostel in Leipzig. We organise activities for them.
Logo terre des hommes
Kontaktperson: Juliane Markov
Tel.: 0341 30 10 143
This group works in cooperation with terre des hommes.


Voluntary work


In our time, in which ethical values are frequently lost in delirious consumption, in disorientation or in pessimism with regard to the future, we would like to submit to meaningful activities which are bound up with social involvment. We like to encourage young people to support values such as justice, solidarity with other nations and cultures, or respect for our natural heritage. In the framework of the activities of our organization, it is possible to volunteer in many different ways for example by participating in the European Voluntary Service or various workcamps.




For students we provide the possibility of a training period in our association, in order to get a taste of our organisation and selling activities. Before applying, please contact us to learn whether it is possible at present. (Tel.: +49 341 3010143)

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