Eine Welt Library Leipzig
Our library is focused on the topics of the one world and subjects connected with this problematic. It contains mainly scientific publications but it is not an academic library.We offer books, periodicals, teaching materials, games about third world and aid policy, videos, slide sets, action boxes and a few sound storage media.Because of the limited financial and storing capacities of the association, we can not provide poetry or other publications of world-famous authors. You can find them in the Leipzig city library. However, we also have some fiction books, stories and tales for children and young people. Our target group is the public at large, especially teachers and other multiplicators, pupils and students. All our materials are in German.
Subject areas:
One world; globalization; environment; religions of the world; women; literature about Africa, Asia and Latin America; world trade; fair trade; food; racism and violence.
Except for a one-time fee of 5,- Euro (2,50 Euro reduced), the loan is free of charge and usually lasts four weeks (loan fee for special offer boxes: 15 Euro). Please bring your identity card to the first loan!
Opening hours:
Monday-Friday 2.00 – 6:30 p.m. or at other time after previous appointment.
The library is situated in the rooms of the association in Connewitz, which is in the south of Leipzig.
Bornaische Str. 18, 04277, Leipzig
Tel.: 0341/3010143: here
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